Sunday, September 1, 2013

Christopher X Chelsea

A handsome young man who had black long flowing hair and wore a black-and-white striped outfit, which meant he was working at his shift at a clothing store in a local mall. The reason for that was because he needed a job, and this was the only one he could get in this economy right now, but did he forget that his family is extremely wealthy? He really didn’t need their money. He was going to get his own…with a job like this. 

This hard-working young man went by the name of Christopher Freeman. The term ‘young man’ meant he had aged and looked no older than twenty years. As Christopher looked out the window, his eyes spotted a skunk girl with long white hair and big breasts accompanied by a nice plump belly and the most prominent feature of her body; a huge wide badonkadonk. (Closeup to her booty: *BOING* sfx!)  

His jaw had suddenly dropped to the floor at the sight of the bottom-heavy skunk-girl before she caught her eyes on handsome Christopher. She’s strutting her way to the clothing section! Christopher decided to stand straight and act natural to make a first impression on a beautiful girl. As she came closer to Christopher, she fiddled her fingers onto his chest, flashing a naughty face at him.

“Hi, tall and handsome.” Chelsea said in a sexy tone.

Christopher flashed a stud-muffin look at her as he leaned his arm towards the side of the shelf. “Bonjour à vous, Mademoiselle.” he said, winking.

Gasping, Chelsea didn’t expect to hear him speak French, the language of love. “Wow. French.” Chelsea said, giggling. What if he spoke four more? She pressed her chest against Christopher’s and whispered in his ear, “Got any more?”

Christopher smiled and spoke Spanish. “Tienes el culo más gordo que he visto en mi vida. (You have the fattest booty I’ve ever seen.)”

Hearing the word ‘culo’ meaning ‘butt’, Chelsea raised an eyebrow with a smile and turned her back to her so that he can see. “Hehehe. So you noticed?”

Christopher gave a wolf whistle after being given a very nice view of her fat ass. “Die Augen lügen nie, Liebling. (The eyes don’t lie, honey.)” And that was German.

Chelsea began to giggle a little, but she has to avoid laughing hard because of that loathsome Urkel-like laugh of hers. “Trying to win my heart, are you?”

Christopher said in Italian, “E se io sono? (And if I am?)”

Chelsea giggled some more and bumped her huge hip at him, it making an audible boing-like noise on impact. “I’d say one more language, and my digits are yours to keep.”

Christopher took a deep breath and said something in Japanese, “Watashi namae o shiritai. (I want to know your name.)”

Chelsea placed one finger on her lip, smiling. “Hmm, my name? It’s Chelsea…” she said as she got out a piece of paper and started writing down something. “The girl you just got a date with.” She gave the paper to Chris. “I love a man who knows five different languages. Call me.” She blew a kiss and left.

Christopher took the paper and put it in his pocket, watching Chelsea’s huge ass swaying back and forth. He could do nothing but stare and bite his lip. Dat ass… Christopher pumped his fist in triumph. “I just got a date with Chelsea!”

In a fancy white house, which is said to have been inherited from his parents before they went on vacation, Christopher was sitting in his white luxurious couch as he checked his Audemar watch. It was six o’ clock, which meant he could call Chelsea for a date.

Without hesitation, Christopher picked up the phone, which looked much fancier than the regular telephone, and dialed Chelsea’s number before putting the phone against his left ear and hearing the ringing tone.

While Chelsea was posing in the mirror admiring herself, she heard a ring on her cellphone on the dresser. She went over to pick it up and pressed the green dial button and put the phone beside her ear. “Hello?”

Christopher greeted her in Spanish, “Hola, Senorita.”

Chelsea giggled. “I know it’s you, Christopher.”

Christopher chuckled. “Alright, you got me. So, ready for our date, sweetcheeks?”

“Heck, yeah, I am. Just got to get dressed first. Pick me up at my house, ok?” Chelsea then said in a sexy tone. “I’ll be waiting, my dear prince.”

“See you there, princess.” Christopher said and hung up the phone before going to his room to get dressed.

Chelsea pressed the red undial button and closed her cell phone before placing it back on the dresser and going to her closet to pick out both of her best blouses and skirts, i.e. the black sleeveless blouse with the black glittery long skirt.

Camille, Chelsea’s mother, went in her room only to discover that Chelsea was about to get herself dressed, but for what? She wanted to know. “If I may ask, what are you getting dressed up for?”

Chelsea responded, “For my date. A handsome guy I met named Christopher Freeman.”

Camille wondered about that name for a moment until the bell rang. “That must be him.”

Chelsea was left alone in her room to get dressed as Camille went to open the door, revealing it to be Christopher, Chelsea’s date dressed in a white tuxedo and fedora. “Oh! You must be Christopher. I’m Chelsea’s mother, Camille. Come in.”

Christopher went inside and looked around the place, taking off his hat and smiling. “Lovely place.”

Camille went to take a seat as Christopher did the same while they wait for Chelsea to finish getting dressed. In the meantime, they kill the time by talking while getting to know each other at the same time. “So… Christopher. How did you meet my daughter?”

Christopher responded, “I was at my shift at JCPenney. I spotted Chelsea there, we started talking, she gave me her number, and now… I’m here.”

Camille nodded. “I see. Well, Christopher, I have a few questions to ask you…”

Christopher placed one leg on the other and clasping both hands together. “Ask away.”

Camille asked Christopher some questions. “Do you smoke or drink?”

Christopher shook his head. “I do none of those things, ma’am.”

Camille nodded. “Do you find Chelsea attractive?”

Christopher nodded. “I’d follow her even off of a cliff.”

Camille responded with a smile. “That’s good to know, Christopher.”

It wasn’t long before Chelsea came out dressed in a black sleeveless blouse and a black glittery long skirt that showed off her pear-shaped figure quite nicely, also throwing on some gold hoop earrings.

Christopher gave a very long wolf-whistle at what he saw. “You look like a million bucks. Scratch that… Un trilione di dollari! That’s Italian for a trillion bucks, by the way, and THAT is used to describe how super FINE this piece of beauty is!”

Chelsea giggled at his comment. “He’s so charming.”

Camille smiled. She knew that her daughter and Christopher would be a great couple. “Okay. Well, have fun on your dates. And Chelsea, be sure you’re back home by nine-thirty!”

Chelsea replied, “OK! I’ll be back!”

As they exited the Holmes’ house, Christopher’s blue Bentley was right outside. He fished his pocket for his keys and pressed the button that flashed the car lights on. As they both got in the car, Christopher and Chelsea drove off to a restaurant together. 
Christopher pulled up in his blue Bentley at the driveway of the fanciest restaurant in town; the Olive Garden. As he and Chelsea got out of the car, Christopher approached the front doors of the restaurant and opened the door as he went inside, leaving it open for Chelsea as she got inside before bumping her hip towards him as she did so, it making an audible boing-like noise on impact.

“Such a gentleman.” Chelsea said, giggling.

They approached an empty table as they held hands together, the men in Olive Garden eyeing her pear-shaped figure. Chelsea responded with a wink and a naughty face as she swayed her hips and booty back and forth before sitting at the empty seat that Christopher pulled out for her. Christopher sat in front of her.

As they sat next to each other, Christopher had stared into the lovely skunk girl’s eyes, smiling.

“Your eyes. They are as beautiful as a sapphire jewel.” Christopher complimented.

Chelsea giggled. Thanks. So’s yours.”

A well-dressed elderly waiter with a small pad and pen came right to them and said, “May I take your order?”

Christopher said to the waiter. “The chicken with pasta, mio buon signore.”

The waiter replied. “Good. How about you?” She pointed the pen to Chelsea.

Chelsea said to the waiter. “I’ll have what he’s having.”

The waiter said. “Excellent! Be right back with your orders.”

As they both ordered their food, Christopher and Chelsea had been talking about their personal lives. Christopher’s parents were wealthy people who loved him dearly. Chelsea’s was the same, except her parents weren’t wealthy. And then, they had shared their saddest parts of their stories.

“My parents were killed during their vacation to Ireland.” Christopher said sadly.

“Aww… mines had a painful divorce.” Chelsea replied sadly.

In the end, they understood each other’s pain and trusted each other completely.

“Let us hope that we never divorce or die like both of our respective parents did. OK?” Christopher said, his hand on Chelsea’s.

“OK.” Chelsea replied.

As they waited for their food, it finally came as the plates were placed in front of them. Both had the same order; grilled chicken with pasta. “Gustare!”

Christopher began to chow down on his food as Chelsea did the same. The Italian food had tasted sooo good in their mouths. They are glad that they came here on their date!

After eating their food, the waiter came to place a bill on the table, which was $18.50. Smiling, Christopher pulled out a golden credit card from his pocket. “Will that be all, Signore?”

The waiter looked surprised on the sight of the golden card, and so did Chelsea; this man must be RICH!! “Y-y-yes, that will be all! Anything for the heir to the Freeman name!”

And with that, Christopher and Chelsea left the Olive Garden and drove back to Chelsea’s house.

“Wow. I didn’t know you were so rich.” Chelsea said.

“Well, you know, it runs in the family.” Christopher said.

Chelsea giggled. “I love a man who’s OBSCENELY wealthy.”

And Christopher and Chelsea pulled over back to her house. They both got out of the car and approached the doorway, staring into each other’s eyes. “That was an excellent date you took me on, Chris.” Chelsea said.

 “My thoughts exactly.”, replied Christopher.

Chelsea’s hand laid on the doorknob, giving him another view of her huge wide badonkadonk. Christopher’s forehead had begun to bore sweat, but he went for it and touched anyway, giving it one grab before she went back in. It felt sooo…. soft like a marshmallow, he thought.

Chelsea definitely did not expect it… from her handsome Prince Charming, but she smiled since she know she trusts him. “Enjoying yourself?”

Christopher was still grabbing until he stopped. “Yeah. Well, bye.”

Chelsea waved flirtatiously. “Bye, handsome.”

As Christopher drove off, Chelsea went back in her house and to her room as she stared at the ceiling. Her heart began to pound as she sighed happily.

Camille entered her room. “So, Chelsea, honey, how was your date?”

“It was great, mom.” Chelsea said and Camille exited her room, closing the door. “One that I’ll never forget. And to think he actually enjoyed my booty…” Chelsea smiled to herself, giggling.


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