Friday, September 12, 2014

Joseph Encounters A Getsuika

Joseph was wandering around a lost forest with his stave in hand, hoping to encounter something--or someONE--exotic, as if he did, it would be another entry in his exploration journal. "How I Encountered..." And that was when the corner of Joseph's eye caught someone. But she wasn't an exotic creature. Well, HALF-exotic creature. She had purple hair and quite an enormous backside, and was seen fishing in the waters of a nearby river, half-pawing, half-grabbing at the small fishes that come by, her sizable rear standing up in doing so. Suddenly, her ears perk up, hearing foliage being displaced relatively nearby. "That's one entry that's gonna make the journal." Joseph said, and had an idea, which made him smile mischievously. Joseph took careful tiptoes behind Getsuika. Causing her ears to perk up, hearing foliage being displaced relatively nearby by the steps of Joseph sneaking behind her. As he was closer, his stave gave a good poke on her butt. Interestingly, as he poked her butt, a big low-pitched cartoonish *boing* can be heard. Because of that, combined with her flustered shock, this caused her to topple unbalanced into the flowing river. Additionally, the impact of her larger half caused a miniature tsunami to emit outward, getting Joseph partly wet in the process. "Hey, what was that all about...?" she says while admitting a soft blush, but is then brought more surprise by seeing the foreign creature in front of her. "Wha-What are you?"

"I'm Joseph, a human." Joseph said with his stave by his side, not even worried about being partly wet, "Gotcha, didn't I?" Joseph gave a small chuckle, showing his mischievousness at best. She looks away, flustered still. "Well...I mean...uh..." She tries to shake off admitting being surprised. "But anyways, what is this 'Hue-mam' creature and why have you come here?" She starts playing with his short ears in amazement. Then Joseph gave her a pretty short lecture on humans, seeing that she does not know anything about them. "Well, humans are from a branch of great ape called homo sapiens, also known as cave-men, that originated in Africa about 200,000 years ago. They began developing their own behavior, their own language,  all that stuff." She paces around him while hearing his lecture, observing his anatomy from head to toe. "Interesting. But what does such a weird...and slightly less hairy...animal like you have any reason to venture this far into the unknown?"

"Well, you see. I'm a wanderer without a home." Joseph said, noticing the half-fox tread around him. "But enough about me. Tell me about yourself. You interest me!" Joseph formed an eccentric smile. Then Getsuika’s ears perk up. "Oh, well for starters, my people share almost the exact same story as yours, only deriving more from the line of foxes. I myself am called Getsuika, and I am in fact one of the key figures within my clan. It's a pleasure to come across you." She gives a bit of an embrace to the fellow explorer, looking like a hug, but also happens to be handling his rear, as well. She had started noticing the look of confusion on Joseph’s face, and upon that look of confusion, there was a slight red blush on his face, almost looking like it was pink. He's never felt something like that before. She explains to him. "Um, this is how we formally interact with one another."

"Interact? So you mean I should do the same to you?" Looking at Getsuika grabbing him, and her big rear, the pieces had started to connect accurately. They interact by grabbing butts? She wants him to grab her butt? Then Getsuika answered with a nod in agreement, her tail wagging back and forth at a steady pace. Oh well, why not give it a shot? Joseph touched Getsuika's rear with his stave, so why not try it with his hands? His hands felt the enormous, pillow-y, meaty surface, giving a sweet, gentle grab and adding a few massages while his hands move around the butt. Blushing at the fact that he's feeling on her soft rear, Joseph asked, "W-wow. So soft... Tell me, Getsuika; how do you retain such a huge juicy behind?" Noticing his gentle enjoyment, she gives him a straight answer. "Well I would explain to you exactly how, butt..." With that particular emphasis, her rear end spontaneously fills out more in Joseph's own hands. " sorta speaks for itself." she finishes with a giggle.

More interesting. As Getsuika answered Joseph's explanation AND had her booty growing into his hands, Joseph's eyes started to widen a little bit. "Interesting. Apart from making a sound as it is smacked, everything about your behind is interesting... and soft." Joseph made his right hand jiggle her right buttcheek, letting ripples around it, hearing a *wobble* sound. "And jiggly. Speaking of sounds, listen!" Joseph continued jiggling, hearing more wobbles, causing her blush to redden due to his deep enjoyment with her asset. "I’m glad to see you admire it. Many people do. In fact, much of our entire culture is based around our good old booties." She gives it a bit of a wiggle, watching it shake left and right. Joseph watched her shake and felt the shaking of her booty in his hands. Damn, she is naughty. "Nice shake." He complimented as he kept playing with her butt. My, he's pretty much enjoying it.

"Thanks!" Getsuika said with glee from Joseph complimenting her shake, not much due to naughtiness, but more from relative obliviousness, though she does note the rather long "greeting" he is making. "Say, if your here to see the exotic, why don't I introduce you to the tribe?” Joseph said, "Sure!", interested in such a very nice offer Getsuika made him. "Will my hand stay on your booty the whole time? I've never felt such softness!" Joseph had let his semi-childlike nature show already. Getsuika sure is an interesting person, and the booty was the icing on the cake! "Depends how you adjust yourself. I'll let you ride me all the way there." Defying the sexual interpretation of the last sentence, though, she turns around and goes down into a strangely natural-fitting four-legged stance, literally expecting him to get on her back, which he had did so. "Make sure you hold on tight." His hands started grabbing onto the meat of her rear in case the ride gets bumpy.

"Hope you’re ready!" As soon as she says this, her thick hind legs extend outward with tremendous force, propelling the couple forward at incredible speeds. They make their way through thick foliage and thick tree trucks, but Getsuika, despite her large size, manages to evade them almost gracefully. And there was Joseph, holding and clinging onto her thick gigantic rear for dear life! Now THAT'S a ride of his life! "WHOA! Yee-haw!" Joseph gave a small laugh. He was almost acting like he was in some sort of cowboy movie. This continues on for about five minutes or so, before she comes to a complete stop, accidentally flipping Joseph, who managed to get back on his feet, over in the process. "We're here!" she says, even though it looks like any other patch of jungle to him. She began digging a hole under the trunk of one of the biggest trees in the area, which slowly turned into a steadily large tunnel into the ground, accommodating for her behind, which still remains open to Joseph.. Unknowingly to her, Getsuika had given her a big juicy view of her behind... right in his face! This caused him to blush. He didn't know whether to touch or not.

Oh, but too late, as Getsuika beckoned to him, "Come on, this way!" Without a word, Joseph began following her deep into the underground, her eyes still on her butt. "You guys live underground?" Wow. Getsuika's people sure do sound like quite a fascinating bunch. He really is learning more about them. "How else do you think you’re the first of your kind to see us?" she replies, now about twenty feet underground. Him being the first to discover Getsuika's kind? This is DEFINITELY going to make his journal! He continued following Getsuika underground, at times watching the show of dat ass shaking back and forth like crazy. It was almost like it was waving around energetically.

After what seems like an hour, they've gone down to who knows how deep, and it was beginning to be hard for him to breathe. However, the purple-haired big booty fox-girl does motivate him. "Don't worry, we're almost there. I bet you will certainly be remembered as a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but I hope they don't take you the wrong way on first impress..." Suddenly her sentence was cut off by the word… ‘BUTT!’ That was the word. Realizing her mistake one second too late, her butt expands even more than her current state, sealing her tight within her own tunnel. "Crap! Quick Joseph, help me out!" In a very desperate situation like this, Joseph got himself an idea: he knows secret expansion powers! Chanting a secret untranslatable language, his hands glow, and putting that power to his use, he places his hands on her butt, therefore making it glow as well and also bringing it back to her former size. Not only that, but it also stopped the inflation "curse". Now Getsuika is no longer sealed in the tunnel. "There!"

She sighs in relief. "Thanks, Jos-" Before she could even finish, the size difference weakens the stability of the tunnel, causing the ground below them to crumble. "What the…?" Joseph said before the crumbled ground had them fall into an underground reservoir. Not even expecting a situation like this to happen, Joseph and Getsuika fell onto the floor of the reservoir, only for Getsuika to surface gracefully, having her ass function perfectly well as a flotation device.. Joseph, on the other hand, rose back up on water, trying to catch his breath. "You okay, Getsuika?" She replied, "Yeah. What was that back there that you used?" Joseph told her just tiny details because the rest could freak her out, or so he thought, "Well, it's a little... ability I rarely use." The reason he rarely uses it is that he did not want to become an outcast to society. "Is, umm, this the home of your clan?" Joseph wondered.

"Yep, should be a bit more inland." She then proceeds to doggy paddle her way to the shore. Remembering his swim classes, Joseph began butterfly stroking beside Getsuika… until they manage to get on land, and see a number of bright lights showing their existence at the unseen end of the tunnel. "This way!" she calls, as she gleefully sprints forward. Joseph followed behind her, catching his speed and breath, verily surprised that someone with such a thick behind like her can run as quick as the wind. He has, like, never seen anything like it! As he slowly makes his way to where she went, Joseph realizes that those lights weren’t campfires or torches like he had expected…but only lampposts and neon signs. In fact, much of the underground city seemed to be made of advanced high-rises.

"Wow! Just-just…W-O-W! Just like my homeland Earth!" Joseph looked around and it was just like his civilization! Who knew they had the same civilization? "Why did I expect campfires and food cooked around it when something amazing just popped up right in front of us!" Just breathtaking, their underground civilization is. In his awe-inspiring discovery, though, a big deep *BOING* is heard as his face actually ends up walking into the gluteus of what he thinks to be Getsuika, when it is actually another fox-girl like her! Blushing and realizing where he is, he quickly removed his face off. "Sorry about that." "Oh, no, no it's oka-" The fox-lady turns and says before realizing the differences between the two, covering her mouth in shock. Seeing her with the same expression, Joseph said, "I'm as shocked as you. I thought you were a friend of mines who took me here!” Then, he began to have a hint of horror on his face, looking around coming to a realization that this civilization has all females. "What is happening here?"

A small crowd was slowly growing around with many discussions going on between them, causing Joseph to get worried. Frantically looking around, he was disappointed that he felt that he was causing a frenzy of controversy. Until his worries went away: Joseph was able to spot a thick strand of purple hair peering up above the crowd, indicating Getsuika was coming for him.  "Getsuika!" She manages to run up to him to give him a comforting hug, actually toppling him over in the process. "I'm so glad I managed to find you." However, she soon realized the entirety of her people looking down on them. "Though maybe it wasn't too hard." Having an idea, she then decides to pick him up and uses her fat rear as sort of a pedestal for him to prove he is a legend. "Ladies! Let this be known that we have crossed ways with a being of legend!" She jumps into the air. "A Human!"

Joseph started jumping in the air and lands off of her rear.. "And let this show up in your articles!" Joseph, smiling, let his hands grab Getsuika's butt smoothly, rubbing it in between. “Eep!” Getsuika yipped in absolute shock, her face showing true embarrassment, and her face blushing like crazy. "Uh-hm-ah..." she is only able to stutter out. And then Joseph decided to stop, looking around at the crowd and Getsuika embarrassed."Oh... in public. S-s-sorry." She sighs a bit. "No, no it's ok. It just...kinda brought us more attention is all." She wraps an arm around him. "But anyways, what would you wish to do? We got so much time to spend here." Joseph was already unfamiliar to this city, but hopefully, he'd be familiar to its customs. "I figured you'd might wanna show me around the city." She eagerly holds her hand. "Sure thing! Is there anywhere you wanna go first?" Joseph started thinking and thinking, until it hit him. "I was wondering if you guys have an arcade." But then his curiosity kept peaking rapidly with so many questions that took Getsuika aback about this civilization of theirs, still in mind that it's similar to his. "Oh! I got so many questions for your civilization! What are the laws here? Are there futuristic bathrooms? Do you have a theme where you shake your booty?" That last question was a bit uncalled for by his standards, but wait... he remembered what she said.

'Much of our entire culture is based around our good old booties.'

Ah yes! He got it!

"Whoa, whoa, slow down, one question at a time, mann!” Getsuika said, slowing him down, but as he said arcade, she went with his suggestion. “Well, if you wanna start somewhere, we can go to the arcade. I believe my usual place of choice is only a few blocks from here. “C'mon! We can also talk more on the way there." She skips along one of the streets, with Joseph skipping beside her to the nearest arcade, almost holding her hand. "Skip, skip, skip!" His child-like nature showed once again.

"So any other questions you have about us? Preferably starting with just one?" Joseph thought and thought… until he finally thought of one. “What is your preferable favorite music here?" Joseph thought with such a big ass like Getsuika and the other fox-ladies, it would have to be hip-hop.” She gets stuck in thought for a second. "Hmm...well here, we usually dance to almost anything's tough to really think of one being better than the rest..." She soon has a bit of a tune stuck in her head, which had some booming, fast-paced, ear-pounding, bass-boosted drums. She found herself swaying her rear to the beat of the mental music, thinking the drums fit nicely for it. Joseph was suddenly taken aback and aroused--SECRETLY aroused--at the same time by this. Suddenly, her groove session is suddenly interrupted by her realizing they arrived at their destination. "Oh, we're here, Josy. C'mon in!" she urges him, guiding him through the rather large doorway.

Joseph entered in the doorway with Getsuika, without even a surprised that she called him Josy. He's been called that before. Looking around the place, he saw shooting games, racing games, even Dance Dance Revolution! She walks over besides him. "So is this anything like your home?" Joseph nodded, “Even better!” And they even saw a snack bar!  "Anything you wanna play first?" Looking at the Dance Dance Revolution, Joseph gasped and pointed it to her. “That! I've been eagerly waiting to see you dance more!" Joseph suggested to Getsuika. He's seen her shake that thang twice before: once when they first met during his long greeting, and before they entered this place. Third time would be much of a charm. Smirking, Getsuika said, "Certainly on the topic of dance, aren’t we? Well then..." She then leapt onto the dance pad, striking a pose after the landing. "Prepare to be danced off!" Joseph accepted, “Well, okay!”, as he had stepped onto the pad with Getsuika.

Getsuika puts in a couple of coins onto the machine, starting it up. The game has begun. "Do you wanna pick out the song?" Joseph suddenly showed his chivalry by letting her pick. “Ladies first.” Going with Joseph’s suggestion, she tapped the arrows for a little bit, until the competition officially starts. "Just saying, I can go easy on you, if you want."

"No need. May the best dancer win!" Joseph winked at her. The competition begins!

Their ears are soon met with a rhythmic beat slowly growing into a melody, and Getsuika starts to sway with the beat, getting herself in tempo. Not one to be outdone, Joseph himself swayed flamboyantly to the beat, his feet tapping the right arrows. Well, ALMOST the right arrows as he was getting a little distracted by her booty. Noticing his minor slip-ups, and wanting to capitalize on it, she also starts to do some hops, then a bob-and-weave motion, and then some breakdance-like moves, making that fat ass fly and bounce like balls of all kinds!

Watching that big booty made him drool… until he had started remembering the competition, Joseph shook his head out of the trance, not forgetting to wipe a little drool off and continued the same rhythm he had been doing before. Deciding to step up her game even more, she even does handstands from time to time, surprisingly carrying her heavy load up to the height of Joseph. They were evenly matched, even entering the big finish: Getsuika making her ass bounce like a ball, letting out deep *BOING*s… until the song came to a close, and she ended the dance by going into an almost impractical looking split, before getting back up vigorously. "Do you wanna spend the night at my apartment?"

That one minute she said, 'spend the night', Joseph thought, 'She has an apartment?' And so, he chose, "I'd rather we spend the night at your apartment. I can't wait to see how it looks." Of course, he was saying it just to have his breath taken away even more than it already was, but he is a homeless wanderer. "Okay then." They soon walk out of the building, when Getsuika turns to her partner and says, "Wanna walk there, or take a taxi?"

"Let's walk there." Joseph suggested. He knows that he was just saying they'd walk just to watch a show of Getsuika's behind shake around madly with each step, but in Joseph's opinion, walking is better than taking a taxi. He took a taxi once, and it smelled so dirty, he showered for four weeks!  "Sure thing." As they leave the building, she walks by Joseph's side. "So what else do you want to talk about?" Thinking of what to talk about, one came to mind. "Well.. if there were male counterparts of Getsuikas--say, GetsuiKOs--, would you consider mating with one?" Getsuika thought about it, "Don’t see why not."

Joseph gave a dark red blush for what he was about to say to Getsuika. "Hey…D-do you remember that long ''greeting'' I gave to you?" Hearing him mention it, and looking rather confused, Getsuika turned around to face him. "Yeah. Why?" And they were getting closer to her apartment. "Well… I kinda would like to have that thing again. May I?" She then laid a little smirk on her face. "And by that you mean...?" She moved her heavy booty in his direction, with a light blush appearing on her cheeks. It was time for him to say it. "Touch. I want to touch some more." Joseph said.  Her blush greatly reddened by what he had just said, but she still lets out a sincere smile, accepting his offer with a nod. “But let's wait until we get to my place, okay?" Joseph nodded with a smile, finally glad now that that word is out of the way. Secretly, even better, he gets to touch Getsuika's behind some more. Cool! After they walk the rest of the way there, and take a long elevator ride to the top floor, they soon enter Getsuika's rather luxurious living quarters. "So, what do you think?"

And with that look at what luxury Getsuika had, Joseph's breath was taken rather verily by this observation. Hell, even MORE! "Fantascellent! It's a new word I made up; a combination of 'fantastic' and 'excellent'." Joseph said, showing his neologism. Getsuika gave him a smile. "That impressed, huh? Well… what are you waiting for?" She started facing her whole body away from Joseph and bent over a little. “Fondle it.” Rubbing his hands together, Joseph gave Getsuika's booty smooth and tender rubs than before. “Wow… so soft.” Smiling with a blush, Joseph started to enjoy it. Getsuika enjoyed the massages, moaning in pleasure, "Oooooooh... That’s the spot. Right there."

Joseph then did the same trick he tried on their first meeting, firmly holding her butt, then making it shake like crazy and hearing *wobble* sounds. "Damn, that booty can jiggle!" This made Getsuika giggle, “Surely it can.”  She then did a bit of jumping for him to show that ass-bouncing off. Watching it bounce, Joseph started to drool. Then he knew that from this moment on, his point to resist was broken. He made a request, "Embrace me, Getsuika.... I want to feel your body on mines."  She gave a flirtatious giggle, "As you wish.", as she quickly wraps her arms around him and presses herself into him, her breasts pushing at him from under his chin, basically letting him feel some more, and he was already doing so. Damn, that booty is fluffier than a pillow! "Got any tunes in this house, Getsuika, baby?"

She points to the corner of the room, humorously remarking, "What do you think the stereo system is for? What are you in the mood for?" Joseph replied to her question, "Soothing soul music for when we embrace and I fondle your badonkadonk, baby." Getsuika said, “Soul music? I think I may have something like that." She looks through a couple of CDs until she finds the one she was after, putting it in, and then pressing play. Joseph heard the radio play some soothing melody mixed with some flutes while he walked over to the cozy couch and rested his back on it. "Now that is soothing. Fitting for when I'm feeling something soft, like your butt." Getsuika walked back towards Joseph and lays down on him, stomach-to-stomach. "Help yourself." she says with a wink.

“I will.” His hands then started playing with her behind, even giving it a little bounce as he heard a big deep *BOING*. "Wow!" Getsuika started using her tail to gently brush his hands, saying with a little flirtatiousness, "Certainly something you want forever, don't you, Josy?" As she said the word ‘forever’ and called him Josy again, Joseph got a bit surprised. "Heck yeah! I love feeling it! And I love when you call me Josy!"

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